Moon Healing Circles

Have you noticed that you become a lot more emotional on the days of the Full Moon and New Moon? The Moon can move oceans, and we humans are 75 % made of water. Like the sea, we are influenced by the phases of the moon. It is believed that the Full Moon brings more feminine energy to us and the New Moon is more beneficial for masculine energy. Both of these days are potent and it is wise to harness this extra help from the moon to balance and elevate ourselves. Full Moon circles are currently open for women only. The Circle is different every month depending on the energies that are present. Since the beginning of time, women have been gathering under the light of the moon. There is something wildly sacred that happens when women attune to the rhythms of Mother Nature and bring forward the power of the divine feminine. Women can heal their hormones by following the natural Moon cycle of waxing and waning. During the Full Moon, we are more intuitive, receptive and creative. We love to gather with our dear sisters to share our stories and look honestly at our feelings. We help each other to raise our vibration to a higher level through chanting, yoga, meditation and dancing together. We create a divine space to support each other to grow our spirit and let go of anything unwanted in our life. Awakening your feminine side - your Shakti - brings you peace of mind, stillness, balance, and fills you with energy that you can share with your loved ones. The Circle is different every month depending on the energies that are present. I do a healing circle every New and Full Moon. Join my Facebook group to see the upcoming circles: