40 days Emotional Balance challenge is for every woman who wants to be calm, balanced and feminine.

This course is created for you, sister, to finally understand what you are feeling. Why are you feeling it and how to deal with it. You will learn how emotions work, how to manage them and how to let them go. You will gain simple, practical tools to embrace your emotions. Strengthen your intuition and start trusting yourself deeply. You claim your power to be your BEST AUTHENTIC SELF.

Say "YES" to your truth by connecting to your emotions. STOP running away and blocking them. STOP feeling guilt and shame by expressing them in the wrong way.

Watch Intro Video

Take a look at the program

Are you tired of feeling

- Angry and stressed - Depressed for no reason - Confused about your emotions - Lost in your mind - Overwhelmed by your sensations and feelings - Overreactive to everything

Are you wishing to have a balanced and joyful life?

- Life where you can be completely you - Life where you can accept and love yourself - Life where you are in charge of your emotions and actions - Life in sync with your intuition - Life with respectful and loving communication - Life with freedom - Life with Joy and happiness

Are you ready for the next step?

To start your healing journey, to see your patterns and shadows, attachment and pain, grief and sorrow. To open yourself up to a new life with ease, grace and love.

I truly believe that

All women are highly intuitive and we know that our emotions are right

  • We want to be heard and valued

  • We want to feel fully and completely

  • We want to trust ourselves

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”

― Oprah Winfrey

Give yourself a gift of peace

New course will be in September 2021

“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don't lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.”

-Sabaa Tahir, A Torch Against the Night

But... you would say: Aneesha, it is not possible!

I got it. Right from childhood, we have been learning how to suppress our emotions, how to be nice, how to use logic instead of using our gut feelings. We got so good, women always succeed at it. We learned how to be compassionate, accommodating, soft and nurturing, we learn how to listen and understand everyone except OURSELVES.

Here is the truth

Your emotions are here to help. They won't stop, they will get louder.

Listen, it is not your fault, sister, we've never been taught that women have power, we have been suppressed for generations. This incredible source of truth in you, called INTUITION, is never wrong. It is here to help you and to guide you to trust your decisions, listen to your emotions and attend to your feelings. Emotions are right, even when they are wrong. Your happiness is in your hands. You can make a decision and say "Yes" to healing, power, abundance and love.

How I met my emotions

I was looking at my parents arguing in the kitchen. It is happening again, I felt devastated, I did not want to listen to this, I did not want to be a part of this. I felt scared, frustrated, lonely, disappointed, confused and upset. This is how I met anger. Life happens and I moved out and started working. Every morning I came to work my co-workers would find something wrong with me. One day I was too fat, another day I wore the wrong dress, or my haircut was not good enough. I felt that I am the worst person in the world, nothing about me is right. I felt shame. Some days I hated them and some days I hated myself. I put effort to make it right and be up to their standards. In the end, I still felt small and not enough. I had a nice boyfriend, we were living together, everything was really serious, we cared deeply for each other, but something was missing and we split up. I was crying for two years, trying to come back, I felt attachment, grief, loneliness, desire, regret, no future and pain in my heart. Two years ago, my dad passed away and I felt anxious, lost, depressed, shaky and panicky. I could not be with him, I could not say good buy. I met grief. However, with grief, I met love. I felt a tremendous amount of love being released. I felt soft, compassionate and kind towards myself. I started to understand that our emotions have a message. Even when I was 6 or 7 I was very attracted to the topic of emotions. I knew some people can express them and some people can not. Some people can manage them and some people are all other the place with their emotions. Right there looking at my parent early in my life, I decided that I will learn how to be different, I will learn how to be peaceful and calm, I will learn how to hold myself and I will not hurt others in my life. Every emotion carries a gift. Every emotion is your way to a happier, healthier and wiser you.

Good News, Sister!

You don't have to go through this alone. We will create a community to support one another.

  • We will have a Q and A session on Zoom every weekend

  • We will have a group on Whatsapp/Signal where we can chat, share and reflect on each others experience

  • We will support you and uplift you through email and social media

  • Any personal questions will be answered by your instructor Aneesha

What can this program do for you?

  • Help you to release anger and self-judgement

  • Help you to establish your spiritual practice and daily rituals

  • Help you to let go of shame and blame to feel your emotions

  • Help you understand the true power of being an intuitive woman

  • Help you to feel strong and confident

  • Help you to release negative patterns, self-criticism, and doubt

  • Help you to build new healthy habits

What tools are we going to use?

Over the years, I have studied many different spiritual paths. In this challenge, I combined my knowledge and experience to make it easy and joyful for you to go through your emotions and understand them. Here are some of the tools that we will be using.

  • Breath Techniques. Breath is a powerful tool that brings us to the present moment and helps us to realize what we feel. Breath sessions are once a week on Mondays for 30 min.

  • Kundalini Yoga or Yoga of awareness. It allows us to use different physical exercises to access our emotions. Yoga classes are 1 h long on Wednesdays.

  • Meditations. When we meditate we can let go of past traumas and old patterns. Meditations are once a week on Fridays for 30 min.


  • Will this course make me experience strong emotions?

    This course is for you to work on your emotional state. It is expected that you will feel your emotions and work with them deeper than usual. For every woman, the intensity of emotions will be different. I want you to tune in to your inner self and see how deep do you want to go with this course. We do have a support group for you on whatsapp and Zoom calls every weekend to answer questions and to listen to your experience.

  • How can I see if this program is working for me?

    This program is created in a way that we will be doing 2 or 3 sessions with each emotion. There are 7 main emotions and they can be expressed differently in your life. You can notice yourself feeling deeper, welcoming your emotions instead of pushing them away. You might notice that you became calmer and more balanced after the class.

  • Will I go back to be unbalanced when this course is over?

    Very good questions. In this course, we will be focusing on creating supporting and positive habits that you can implement into your life to stay balanced all the time, even when this course is over.

  • Will it help me to balance my relationships?

    This course is created for you to balance your emotions. Emotions influence all parts of our lives. If you will become the best version of yourself for today you will notice that other areas of your life like relationships, work, finance, etc will get better as well.

  • Do I need to have any yoga or meditation experience before taking this course?

    All exercises in this course are suitable for all levels. It does not matter if it is your first yoga class or you have been practicing for a while. This program does not use any exercise that is unsafe to do at home. If you have any physical restrictions please ask your doctor if you can do yoga and meditations. And always listen to your body, if it does not feel right, it is not right for you at this moment. You can modify a posture or skip it.

  • Is there any support after the course?

    We have created a wonderful I am the Woman community on Facebook and Instagram that you are welcome to join. We are planning to create more courses and support you on your life journey.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • Before we begin... Lets set our intentions

    • Meeting your emotions. Opening ceremony.

    • Why 40 days and how to use it?

    • 40 Day Meditation practice

  • 2

    Chapter #1. Anger - finding your power.

    • How to transform your Anger?

    • Yoga class for transforming the inner anger

    • Zoom Call. Group coaching session and Q&A.

  • 3

    Chapter #2. Sadness and Depression. Discover your joy!

    • Sadness. Class and meditation.

    • Yoga class to purify yourself from sadness and depression

    • Depression. Class and meditation.

    • Zoom Call. Group coaching session and Q&A.

  • 4

    Chapter #3. Desire and Attachment. Find freedom.

    • Desire. Class and breath work.

    • Yoga to fire up your desire.

    • Desire. Meditation.

    • Zoom Call. Q&A

  • 5

    Chapter #4. Fear and Anxiety. Get back to your pease.

    • Stop Hiding from your fears. Class and Meditation.

    • Yoga for meeting your fears.

    • Anxiety. Class and meditation.

  • 6

    Chapter #5. Grief. Open your heart to love.

    • Grief. Class and mantra meditation.

    • Yoga class to embrace your grief and open up your heart to love.

    • Finding the source of your grief. Guided meditation.

  • 7

    Chapter #6. Guilt and Shame. Find true love and trust yourself.

    • Guilt and Shame. Class and short Meditation

    • Yoga class to let go of the guilt and shake the shame.

    • Closing ceremony.

How does it feel to work with Aneesha?

Trauma released

by Tina

Aneesha is a special soul who really puts love into all she does. Her encouragement, wisdom and guidance has helped me immensely, in the areas of trauma and healing relationship wounds that were damaging my physical and mental well-being. In 2019 You will quickly realize she truly walks the path she teaches. I feel the deepest gratitude and respect for Aneesha and all she has taught me. 

Strength & Wisdome

by Sam

Aneesha is a source of great strength & wisdom for all that she holds in her light. Every morning, I now go deeper into my self-practice with gratitude for all of the doors opening to my inner light. Her guided meditations are beautiful allies to this work, and she has facilitated some of my biggest releases of grief. Her presence is warm, and her joy builds a safe space for your truest self to blossom. I can’t recommend this gem of a human enough.

Connected to myself

by Sarah

Aneesha is an amazing and insightful teacher and guide, I feel very happy to have connected and had this experience. I have better connected to myself, my path, and the world around me and I am slowly learning to let go of old patterns and beliefs.


We share

10% of your payment will be donated to underprivileged women in Canada and abroad

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...”

― Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight